Where Fluoride First Appeared
Fluoride first appeared In the Nazi concentration camps. It was specifically used to pacify the prisoners so they would be easy to control.
Now Fluoride is Added to the U.S. Water Supply by the US Government
The cover story is that it is good for our teeth. There is no scientific evidence to support this.
In 1945, Grand Rapids, Michigan became the first US city to fluoridate the public water supply right after WWW 2 ended. The Americans are dumbed down and don’t even care what harmful chemicals the government is giving to them.
Europe Says NO
Europeans, unlike Americans, refuses to have Fluoride added to their drinking water. They know first-hand that the Nazis used it and why they used it.
Some European countries, where water fluoridation is not practiced, fluoride is added to the table salt. In France, 35 percent of table salt sold contains either sodium fluoride or potassium fluoride. Fluoridated salt is widespread in South America. In the U.S. most salt sold to consumers contains aluminum.

What is it?
Fluoride is a form of the element fluorine and has the chemical symbol F. The “ide” ending in fluoride shows that it is an ion, which is a charged particle. In the case of fluoride, the fluorine atom has gained an electron and has an overall negative charge. Fluoride is found in a number of naturally occurring rocks and minerals. It readily dissolves in water and has no taste or odor and is not visible once in solution.
Sodium fluoride, sodium silicofluoride, fluorosilicic acid, hydrofluosilicic acid, ammonium fluosilicate are among the compounds used as fluoridating agents.
Dumb U.S. Down
Recently, however, Harvard researchers were able to study health data for communities in China where high levels of fluoride are naturally present in the groundwater. The results give cause for unease: “the children living in high-fluoride areas had significantly lower IQ scores than those who lived in low-fluoride areas.” The average difference was 7 points, and researcher Philippe Grandjean concluded that fluoride belongs among lead, mercury, and other poisons as a known neurotoxin and “chemical brain drain.” Grandjean suggested the developing brain may be irreversibly damaged by fluoride exposure, and the exact “safe” thresholds, if any, are unknown.
Fluoride and Aluminum
Fluoride, when combined with even small amounts of aluminum, produces dramatic destruction of the same brain cells that are destroyed in Alzheimer’s disease. In fact, as little as 0.5 ppm (parts per million) fluoride added to aluminum in water was found to produce extensive brain cell loss in the hippocampus, the memory part of the brain. Most utility company water systems add 1 to 1.5 ppm fluoride and all add aluminum.
Be aware that black and green tea as well as rooibos or “red tea” all contain high levels of natural fluoride; these beverages also provide beneficial antioxidants, but if you’re concerned that your overall fluoride intake may be excessive, consider reducing your tea consumption.
Infant formula produced with fluoridated water contains 100 to 200 times more fluoride (1,000 ppb) than is found naturally in breast milk (5-10 ppb)
Commercially-grown grapes in the US are sprayed with a fluoride pesticide called Cryolite. The residues of this pesticide can result in high levels of fluoride in wine or grape juice.
Deboned chicken (e.g. “Chicken McNuggets”) has been found to contain elevated levels of fluoride due to the incorporation of ground bone particles
Many salts contain fluoride.
Some fluorine-containing pharmaceuticals (e.g. Cipro) can metabolize into fluoride ion within the body,
Fluorinated anesthetics such as Enflurane, Isoflurane and Sevoflurane will produce high peak levels of fluoride in blood for up to 24 hours.
Teflon-coated pans may increase the fluoride content of food. Use a non-fluorinated anesthetic.
Wines contain fluorides, often very substantial amounts.
Be wary of tinned fish and canned food items.
Fluoride may be used as a preservative.
Avoid black or red rock salt or items containing black or red rock salt.
Avoid using chewing tobacco.
Avoid long term use of medication that contains fluorine.
Certain antidepressants and medications for osteoporosis contain fluorine.
The most popular water filters — the inexpensive activated-carbon pitchers and tap-attachments sold under the brand names Brita and Pur — can’t remove fluoride.
Allthe fluorides become ionized in water, and so, they would pass right through the reverse osmosis filter.
To remove fluorides you need a filter with an ion-exchange resin. THERE IS NO EASY WAY to determine if the ion-exchange bed needs reactivation.
You can read this in any textbook on laboratory chemistry. Reverse Osmosis filtering removes approximately 90 percent of DISSOLVED SOLIDS and 98 percent of ORGANIC impurities, INSOLUBLE matter and microbiological organisms.
Reverse Osmosis removes only about 10 percent of IONIC IMPURITIES and does not remove DISSOLVED GASES.
RO method of water purification will produce type III water (the lowest laboratory grade) and is frequently used to treat water BEFORE its passage through ion-exchange resins to reduce the load on an expensive ion-exchange bed.
Removal Method
RO the water first, then run that water through a carbon filter, maybe more than once, or buy 2-3 table-top filters. And then add soluble Calcium salt, (Simple and easy way to neutralize fluorides).
The best home filters do not offer the same protection as a simple addition of soluble Calcium salt.