Blackbeard’s Rum ->

6 lbs        Raw Cane Sugar – $1 lb

32 oz       Honey – a natural microbial

2.5 gallons    Distilled water.

Heat everything to 120F for 20 minutes.  Then Heat to 150F for 15 minutes, the pasteurizing temperature to kill bacteria

Pour into a 3.5 gallon fermenter – let cool to 85F.

3 lb of sugar per gallon of water will give about 1.100 Specific Gravity with the 85% efficiency of sugar calculated.

Cool to 85F

Add Nutrients; 2 teaspoons Yeast Nutrients, and 1 teaspoon Dimmonium Phosphate Turbo Boost. Add Yeast Nutrients and Dimmonium Phosphate before adding the yeast.

Make PH to 5.2 by adding lime juice to lower or adding baking soda to raise the PH.

Add oxygen throughout using a fish tank bubbler.

Pitch Yeast ; .66 teaspoon DADDY yeast. Pitch at a temperature no hotter than 85F.

Add turbo

Add nutrients

After fermentation; … after bubbling stops… 

Use clearing agent to eliminate suspended yeast.  

Then Distill …..

Standard Rum

Standard Rum

— Easiest ETOH to make (and cheapest) and strongest

8 lbs  brown sugar     $1 lb

12 oz non-sulphur Molasses (flavors available =  light, dark and blackstrap) Use brands Backstrap or Grandmas $3.50 a can

2.5 gallons distilled water. Add citric juice to a PH of 5.2.

Heat everything to 120F min. preferable: Heat to around 150F for 10 minutes, the pasteurizing temperature to kill bacteria

Pour into a 3 gallon fermenter – let cool to max 85F, better 70 deg.

Add Nutrients; 2 teaspoons Yeast Nutrients, 1 teaspoon Dimmonium Phosphate. Add Yeast Nutrients and Dimmonium Phosphate before adding the yeast. Make PH to 5.2. by adding or subtracting with limes or baking soda. Add oxygen with a fish bubbler.

Pitch Yeast ; .66 teaspoon DADDY yeast. No hotter than 85F.

After fermentation; … after bubbling stops, use clearing agent to eliminate suspended yeast. Siphon correctly.


Initial specific gravity (SG) should be around 1.117 – times 85% efficiency … equals 1.099 gravity points

You get 39 gravity points per gallon per pound of sugar. So with 4 lbs sugar per gallon @ 85% efficiency would equal 1.132 gravity points. This would produce 50 proof or more.

You should get 2 1/2 16 oz mason jars quality liquor. 1200ml.

Main Ingredient = Cane Sugar – Easiest ETOH to make

2 gallons    Distilled water

8 lbs        Raw Cane Sugar

40 oz       Honey

2 oz         Turbo yeast

Heat to 160 deg for 15 min.  Let cool to 77 F.  Airate then ferment.

Syphon liquid except the bottom 1″ material (to be discarded) 
